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Meetings & Events

Groton Dunstable SEPAC holds a variety of gatherings and presentations throughout the school year.  All events are open to anyone, from any district, interested in the education of students with unique needs. Discussion topics relate to supporting parents of students receiving special education services in Groton and Dunstable, providing feedback to and gathering updates from Groton Dunstable Regional School District's Student Services administration and advising the district and School Committee on key issues important to our community. We strive to advocate for all students while maintaining the GD SEPAC as a strong volunteer-based organization.

Open Meetings occur monthly, and we send out notification through our mailing list, on our Facebook page, and, when possible, school newsletters.

Leadership Meetings are considered internal and are comprised of SEPAC officers. These happen frequently, focusing on current issues, planning for upcoming presentations, marketing, and general operational SEPAC needs.  

Meetings with GDRSD administration generally occur monthly, or as needed. 


Liaisons attend their assigned meetings, based on the schedule of their affiliated groups and then provide updates to membership during monthly meetings. 


Informal Coffee and Community events happen monthly and all members of GDRSD and the larger community are welcome to addend.

No events at the moment
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